What you need to know
The Total Mobility Scheme is intended to complement public transport services and ensure people with impairments can meet their daily needs in a safe and dignified manner. It is open to people with a permanent, temporary or fluctuating disability that prevents them from travelling on buses, trains or ferries, or getting to or from where the public transport starts or ends. It also provides funding assistance to purchase and install wheelchair hoists in taxi vans. The scheme has no minimum fare threshold. A 75% discount applies until a maximum subsidy is reached. The maximum subsidy varies between regions.
The work to date
Refocussed Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference (the scope) for the review were developed in consultation with Total Mobility stakeholders and were set in July 2023. These terms have been revised to give the review a clearer focus so it can deliver on its original purpose.
The refocussed Terms of Reference has four key parts:
1. The purpose of Total Mobility
2. How Total Mobility could reach more disabled people
3. How aspects of Total Mobility’s operations could be improved
4. Sustainable funding mechanisms for Total Mobility
You can read the revised scope for the review here: Review of the Total Mobility scheme - refocussed terms of reference
The Total Mobility review is underway
In July 2023, the Minister of Transport agreed the Terms of Reference (scope) of the review. The Terms of Reference was developed in consultation with key Total Mobility stakeholders. You can read the Terms of Reference here.
Scheme to be reviewed
In November 2019, the Minister for Disability Issues launched the Disability Action Plan 2019–2023, which replaces the previous Disability Action Plan 2014–2018.
Scheme reviewed and consulted on
In March 2002 Cabinet agreed to a review of the scheme, which Transfund New Zealand carried out later in 2002 as part of the Passenger Transport Social Services Review.
Scheme established
The scheme’s goal was to increase mobility for people with serious mobility constraints, encourage participation in society, provide for personal independence, reduce pressure on caregivers and allow people to continue to live for longer in their own homes.
Get in touch
Contact Waka Kotahi for more information about the Total Mobility Scheme.
You can also contact your local regional council.