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Our website reflects Hei Arataki, our Māori strategy, and our commitment to our Crown–Māori partnership responsibilities.
E whakaata ana tā mātau pae tukutuku i a Hei Arataki, i tā mātau rautaki Māori, me tā mātau oati ki ā mātau haepapa mō te hononga Karauna-Māori
E whai ana a Hei Arataki kia whakapai ake i ngā hua ā-waka mā ngā Māori. Ko ā mātau tohu e whitu e whakaatu ana i ngā pou rautaki e 3, me ngā mātāpono ārahi e whā o Hei Arataki.
Hei Arataki aims to improve transport outcomes for Māori. Our 7 icons are a visual expression of the 3 strategic pou and 4 guiding principles of Hei Arataki.
Hei Arataki Strategy (external link)
E 3 ngā pou o Hei Arataki.
Hei Arataki has 3 strategic pou, or pillars.
Ko te whakapakari, ko te whakapakeke, ko te whakatipu rānei tēnei. Ko te poutama te tohu e whakaatu ana i te ekenga ki ngā taumata tiketike, me te whakapai i ngā hua.
This means to strengthen, mature or develop.
The icon is poutama tukutuku, expressing higher achievement and improving outcomes.
Ko te ako me te whakaako tēnei. Ko te ako, hei tirohanga ki te ao, e whakanoho ana i a mātau hei ākoanga, hei kaiako hoki. E mārama ai, e whakaputa hua ai ki Aotearoa tikanga rua, me whai mōhiotanga, me whai pūkenga, me whai mātauranga anō hoki. Ka tutuki tēnei mā te ako.
Ko te rāranga harakeke te waitohu. Ko ngā kete e toru, ko Te Kete Tuauri, ko Te Kete Tuatea, ko Te Kete Aronui.
This is to teach and to learn. Ako, as a world view, positions us all as learners and as teachers. Understand and making positive impact in bicultural Aotearoa requires knowledge, skills and mātauranga (understanding). We will achieve that through ako.
The icon represents rāranga harakeke, or the weaving of flax. The 3 kete, or baskets of knowledge, are Te Kete Tuāuri, Te Kete Tuātea and Te Kete Aronui.
E mea ana tēnei ko te mahi tahi, ko te tūtakitaki, ko te mahi tahi, ko te whai māramatanga, ko te kōtui.
E rua ngā wāhanga o te waitohu. Ko te tāniko e whakaatu ana i te whai i te mātauranga — he arapaki te tukutuku kua whatua mai, ka noho ki ngā marae, ka pupuri i ngā kōrero mō taua marae me ōna tāngata. Ko te niho taniwha, ko te whiringa āhua tapatoru nei te hanga, e whakaatu ana i tā mātau kaha, i tō mātau mōhio ki te tauutuutu, me te mahi tahi.
This means working together as one, engaging, collaborating, understanding, and partnering.
The icon has 2 parts. Tāniko tukutuku is the pursuit of knowledge — tukutuku are woven lattice pieces in a marae that tell a story, and hold knowledge of a place and its people. Niho Taniwha, the triangular pattern, represents our strength, reciprocity and working together.
E whā ngā mātāpono o te rautaki Hei Arataki.
Hei Arataki is guided by 4 principles.
Ko ngā mātāpono o te kokoraho, o te whakaaweawe, o te arataki. E mea ana tēnei ka whai mātau ki te whakatutuki i tā mātau mahi arataki i te pūnaha e eke ai te hunga o Aotearoa i ngā take waka.
E whakaatu ana tēnei waitohu i te rā me ngā whetū. E mea ana a 'rā ngāti rā', ko te rā o te rā, ko te korakora ira atua. He kīanga whakarangatira te kīanga 'ngā whetū whai' e mea ana me toro ki ngā whetū.
E whakatinana ana ā mātau mahi i te wawata me te awhero. He pae whakatere mō te āhua o tā mātau arataki i a Aotearoa ki tētahi pūnaha waka pakari.
The principle of ownership, influence, and stewardship. This means we seek to fulfil our transport system leadership role to ensure that our transport system enables all New Zealanders to flourish.
The icon represents the sun, and stars. Rā ngāti rā means sun of the sun, divine spark. Ngā whetū whai is empowering and leading, meaning to reach for the stars.
Aspiration and ambition is exhibited in our mahi. It is a navigational point for how we will lead Aotearoa towards a stronger transport system.
Ko te tiaki me te whakahaumaru tēnei. Mā konei e hāpaitia ai ā mātau haepapa tiaki taonga.
E whakaaatu ana tēnei waitohu i Te Ao Mārama, i te ao hurihuri. E hāngai ana ki te hononga o Ranginui me Papatūānuku me te hunga ora o waenganui hei tiaki mā tātau.
Ka huri tonu te āhua o te waka, me te wāhi ki a mātau i roto i te hāpai i ngā mahi katiaki i te pūnaha waka.
This is guardianship and protection. It ensures that we work in a way that upholds our responsibilities to protect taonga.
The icon represents Te Ao Marama, the ever changing world. It’s about the relationship between Ranginui (sky father) and Papatuānuku (earth mother), and all the lives in between that we need to guard and protect.
Transport continues to evolve, and so does our role in upholding kaitiaki practices within the transport system.
Ko ngā hononga tangata ēnei e hua mai nei i te whai ngātahi i te wheako, e tū nei i runga i ngā mātāpono o te tūhono me te hononga ā-hapori.
He huarua poutama te waitohu nei (te huarua tukutuku) e whakatinana ana i te whakapapa, i te mahi ngātahi, i te kotahitanga, i ngā taumata o te ako me te whai mātauranga.
E kapi ana i tēnei te āhua o tā te pūnaha waka mahi ngātahi, mā te pāhekoheko, e puta mai ai he pūnaha waka e eke ai a Aotearoa.
These are relationships through shared experiences and working together, built on connection and belonging.
The icon is a double poutama (double patterned tukutuku) representing whakapapa, collaboration and unity, levels of learning and intellectual achievement
It embraces how we work together as a transport system, through engagement and collaboration, to create a transport system that enables Aotearoa to flourish.
Ko te whakatinanatanga tēnei o te whakaute, o te atawhai, me te manaaki i ētahi atu.
He taonga pounamu (he taonga kāmehameha) te waitohu e whakaatu ana i te mahi tahi a ētahi tāngata e tutuki ai te whāinga kotahi. E mea ana te whakataukī 'ahakoa iti, he iti pounamu' he hirahira tonu mātau, ahakoa te tōriki.
Ko te koru i te taha mauī, ko te tipuranga hou, ko ngā aho e toru e whakatinana ana i te mahi tahi a te tangata, i te manaaki me te matapopore ki ētahi atu.
Ko te koru i te taha matau, ko te pikorua - ko te ngao i waenga i te ao wairua me te ao kiko. E tohu ana i te herenga tahitanga me te kotahitanga.
Ko mātau tētahi o ngā kaihoatu ki te āhau o tā tātau noho i Aotearoa. E whāngai ana ā mātau mahi i ngā ara rau e angitu ai a Aotearoa i ōna whenua, i te ao anō hoki.
This is the expression of respect, generosity and care for others.
The icon is a symbol from pounamu taonga (valued treasure) representing people working together for a common cause. The whakatauki ‘ahakoa he iti, he pounamu’ signifies that, despite being small, we are of great value.
The left koru is new growth, 3 strands representing people working together for a common cause, caring for and valuing others,
The right koru is Pikorua — the energy between the spiritual and physical worlds. It signifies binding together and being united.
We are one contributor to how we live as New Zealanders. Our mahi contributes in many ways to the success of Aotearoa and our success in the wider world.