Draft Rail Plan consultation closed
Consultation with a wider group of stakeholders took place in conjunction with the GPS 2021 consultation.
Deadline extended
The Minister of Transport extended consultation until 11 May 2020.
You’re invited to share your views
The New Zealand Rail Plan sets out the Government’s vision and priorities for rail until 2030, and the levels of investment needed to achieve it. It is a product of the recommendations from the Future of Rail review.
Your submission is public information
We will publish a summary of submissions after the engagement period has closed and submissions have been analysed. If you do not want your name or any identifying information to be included in anything we publish (including because you believe your comments are commercially sensitive) please indicate this clearly in your submission.
Note that your submission is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). This means other people will be able to obtain copies of submissions by making a request under the OIA. If you think there are grounds for your information to be withheld under the OIA, note this in your submission. We will take your reasons into account and may consult with you when responding to requests under the OIA. The Ministry may also be required to share submissions with a Parliamentary Select Committee. The Ministry will first consider, for example, whether the submissions contain personal or commercially sensitive information.
All submissions will be public records and will be held for a time period required by the Public Records Act 2005, then destroyed.