What you need to know
Released in late 2019, Road to Zero was a previous Government’s road safety strategy. The strategy included a vision for a New Zealand where no one is killed or seriously injured in road crashes, and a targeted a 40% reduction in death and serious injuries (from 2018 levels) by 2030.
An action plan accompanied the strategy, setting out actions to be delivered with our road safety partners across five focus areas: infrastructure improvements and speed management, road user choices, vehicle safety, work-related safety and system management. Annual monitoring reports were prepared to report on progress in implementing the strategy and actions.
In October 2024, the Government replaced Road to Zero with New Zealand’s Road Safety Objectives, which set the Government’s road safety priorities for the next three years. You can find out more about this here.
The work to date
Ministerial Oversight Group
Each quarter, the Ministerial Oversight Group meets to get a progress report on Road to Zero. Quarterly progress reports are prepared for each meeting. These have been released under the Official Information Act, and further reports will be proactively uploaded once available.
Update on Road to Zero
Road to Zero will be replaced with an objectives document that sets out the National/ACT/NZ First Coalition government’s road safety priorities.
Road to Zero remains in place until the Government has released a new objectives document.
Study of Road Trauma Evidence and Data published
The SORTED study intends to provide a more comprehensive view of trauma from road crashes by linking datasets across transport and health agencies.
Independent review of Road to Zero road safety investment released
Road to Zero Annual Monitoring Report 2020 published
This report is the first of 10 annual monitoring reports on Road to Zero. It reports on progress made in the first year of implementing the strategy, and actions that have been taken in 2020.
Road to Zero finalised and launched
In November 2019, the Government agreed to publish the Road to Zero strategy for 2020–2030 and the initial 3-year action plan. We published the strategy and plan in December 2019.
Road to Zero strategy consultation
The Government agreed to consult on the new road safety strategy and proposed actions. Over 1,000 submissions were received through the public consultation process, with the majority of submitters broadly supportive of the strategy and action plan.
Stakeholder engagement sought
Over several months we met with a wide range of people with an interest in road safety, including regional and local road safety groups, industry and advocacy groups, and iwi. We heard a broad range of perspectives and concerns about road safety. Stakeholders clearly wanted substantial change but held different views about how and when change should happen.
Reference groups met
We worked with 5 reference groups made up of over 100 representatives from across the transport sector. They provided a range of knowledge, experiences and perspectives that contributed to the development of the strategy discussion document.
Local Government Road Safety Summit held
The Associate Minister of Transport held a 1-day Local Government Road Safety Summit in Wellington for more than 100 senior local government representatives from across New Zealand.