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What you need to know

International aviation is responsible for approximately 1.3% of global carbon dioxide emissions, and aviation emissions are forecast to grow in the coming years. Projected annual improvements in aircraft fuel efficiency of around 1 to 2% are surpassed by forecast traffic growth of around 5% each year.

Although domestic aviation emissions are covered by the Paris Agreement, it does not explicitly mention international aviation emissions. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is responsible for regulating international aviation activity. In 2013, ICAO agreed on a global goal to achieve carbon neutral growth in the international aviation sector from 2020, and in 2016, it agreed to introduce the CORSIA, a global market-based measure for reducing and offsetting carbon emissions in the international aviation sector.

In September 2016, the Government agreed New Zealand would participate in CORSIA when it comes into effect on 1 January 2021. In 2019, the Government reconfirmed this decision agreeing that CORSIA would be implemented in New Zealand via the Civil Aviation Bill, which will be given effect to in the Civil Aviation Act 2023 Regulations will be developed prior to the regime becoming mandatory in 2027.

The work to date


41st International Civil Aviation Organisation General Assembly

New Zealand attended the 41st International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) General Assembly in September 2022.

More information and related documents
Aug 2019

Participation in CORSIA reconfirmed

The Government reconfirmed the decision to participate in CORSIA from 2021, and agreed to implement it through the Civil Aviation Bill. Participating in CORSIA will strongly support the Government’s climate change priorities as it aims to address any annual increase in total carbon dioxide emissions from international civil aviation above 2020 levels.

More information and related documents
Sept 2016

Decision to join CORSIA confirmed

The Government agreed that New Zealand would participate in CORSIA when it comes into effect in 2021.

More information and related documents

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