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The Ministry and the Civil Aviation Authority (the CAA) are jointly responsible for implementing the new Act. In particular, the interagency implementation programme focuses on ensuring everything we and those in the sector will need is in place, and can be effectively operated under, from 5 April 2025.

Reflecting this, we’re working closely together to deliver the implementation of the new Act. For the most part, what you can expect to see us doing between now and April 2025 will be linked to one or more of the following:

  • the development and implementation of secondary legislation (new or remade)
  • creation of new systems, processes, and functions (establishment)
  • updating systems, processes, and training to support business continuity (transition)

There are nine workstreams under the interagency programme, shared across the Ministry and the CAA.

Joint workstream – Civil Aviation Rules

  • Civil Aviation Rules Realignment: We’re doing what’s needed to realign all the Civil Aviation Rules with the new Act. Our cross-disciplinary, inter-agency team is working through a bespoke process to ensure necessary changes are made to reflect the new Act, carrying over the existing setting.

There are four Ministry-led implementation workstreams:

  • Ministry operations: We’re working to deliver systems and processes needed to support Regulatory Airport Spatial Undertakings (RASUs), the airport operator registration regime, airport spatial plans and bylaw consultations, airline alliance authorisations, the international airline licensing regime, administration of the independent review function, and give effect to the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).
  • Establishment of the Independent Review Function: We will support our Minister to deliver the regulations to set out which Director of Civil Aviation decisions are reviewable and ensure at least one reviewer has been appointed by the time the Act commences.
  • Offences and Penalties Regulations: We are leading the work to remake the Civil Aviation (Offences) Regulations 2006 under the new Act. Changes will be made to reflect the new rule set, where applicable.
  • Notices: We’ll provide advice to the Minister on how to carry over the existing settings for Airways and Aviation Security services.

There are also four CAA-led implementation workstreams:

  • Legislative & Governance
  • Drug and Alcohol management Plans (DAMP)
  • Regulatory Security
  • Regulatory Safety

You can find more information about the CAA-led workstreams on the CAA’s website(external link).

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