If you do not pass your medical examination
If you apply to become a licensed pilot or an air traffic controller, you must pass a medical examination. If you do not pass the medical examination, or your medical certificate is endorsed with conditions, you can apply to the Medical Convener to review the decision.
Roles and responsibilities
The Medical Convener and Deputy Medical Convener review medical certificate decisions. They are appointed by the Minister of Transport, but their roles are independent.
Conveners must be:
- registered medical practitioners who are suitably qualified
- experienced or knowledgeable in civil aviation
- able to represent the public interest in aviation safety.
The Convener has 2 functions:
- to review certain decisions in relation to medical certificates
- to advise the Director of Civil Aviation on applications for a medical certificate as a result of a joint referral by an applicant and the Director.
If the Convener is not available for any reason, the Deputy Convener will act instead.
Our role
We provide administrative support to the Convener. We also monitor the progress of reviews and communicate with you and the Director of Civil Aviation, on behalf of the Convener.
When to apply
Medical certificate decisions are made by the Director.
Under the Civil Aviation Act 1990, you must apply to the Convener to review your medical certificate decision:
- in writing
- within 20 working days of the decision being made.
You can apply for a review if the Director has:
- revoked your medical certificate
- declined your medical certificate application
- imposed conditions, restrictions or endorsements on your medical certificate
- disqualified you from holding a medical certificate.
The Convener cannot review medical certificate decisions with temporary measures that have only been imposed for up to 20 working days. For example, if your certificate has been suspended or given temporary conditions, restrictions or endorsements.
Civil Aviation Act 1990(external link)
How to apply
There is currently no fee for an application for a review or joint referral.
However, if you incur costs during the process, for example for additional tests, you must cover those costs.
Joint referrals
You and the Director can jointly refer your application for a medical certificate to the Convener for advice. You must do this in writing.
The review process
If you want to apply for a review of a decision, you should discuss this with your medical examiner as soon as possible. You must apply for the review within 20 working days of the decision being made.
The medical examiner can provide advice on what information you should put in your application.
Application form to have a medical certification decision reviewed [DOC, 99 KB]
Note that reviews are paper based, though there may be exceptional circumstances where medical convenors consider whether it is necessary for some of the process to be in-person.