Our functions
Our functions are based on our role as the Government’s system lead on transport and our approach of working in partnership with agencies across the…
Our government transport partners
We work with a number of agencies across the transport sector to deliver results.
Our strategic direction
Understanding our strategic direction helps us know where we are heading, how we will get there and how we will enable a transport system that…
Make an OIA request
The Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) lets you request information that we hold.
Our corporate publications
We are committed to open government, and releasing and publishing official information.
Find an Official Information Act response
Published versions of our responses to Chief Executive OIA requests are included if they are likely to be of interest to the wider public.
Briefings list
We proactively release lists of transport material that the Minister of Transport has seen as part of our ongoing commitment to openness and transparency.
Proactive releases
Cabinet and Cabinet Committee papers and minutes released by the Ministry for Transport or the Minister.
Regulatory impact assessments
Policy initiatives that propose any change to regulations require a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA).
Strategic Intentions documents
These documents set out the Ministry's work programme for three or four years.
Briefing to incoming ministers
We provide incoming ministers with a briefing that provides an overview of ministers’ responsibilities.
Who can help you with
Find out who can answer your transport questions.
Weekly reports
We provide a Weekly Report to the Minister of Transport, containing regular updates on the Ministry’s work programme and other key information.